
Hey yall! I’m a 26 year old stay at home mom to a beautiful energetic little girl. I’ve been calling her Punky Brewster since she was about 2 weeks old. Punky Brewster since then has been shortened to Punky, or more frequently Brew. She’s an amazing little girl and has brought so much joy to our lives. It really is just indescribable.
In addition to being a stay at home mom, I am considering becoming a young living essential oils distributor. I already use essential oils for many things.  I’m sure there will be more about essential oils and young living to come later in my blog.
I’m not a “crunchy momma”, but I’m also not a 100% modern momma either. I use essential oils for many ailments,  but they have not completely replaced western medicine in my family and I’m sure they never will. I enjoy making soaps, but use store bought laundry detergent. I use store bought diapers and wipes, but I am set on the honest company because other brands cause my sweet girl to get rashes or yeast infections (seriously after using one of the honest company diapers her yeast infection was almost cleared… say what you want). I believe in vaccines (I’m sure many have stopped reading & thats ok, but if you are still reading don’t try to change my mind). I grow some of my own fruits and veggies (but we do LOVE our meats) and my family and I enjoy eating healthy. So I’m probably more modern than crunchy, but I have my non traditional views.
I’ve been married for 4 years now. My husband is in the military. In the 4 years we’ve been married I’ve moved 5 times. There are days that I hate his career and days that I can’t imagine our lives being different. You’ll read more about my love/hate relationship with his career in future entries, I’m sure. You’ll also read about how our relationship almost wasn’t.
I was born and raised in the south. I love everything about the south. The way of life down here is different than any other place I know. I know with my husband’s career,  I’ll end up all over the place. Well, hey, that’s ok. I’ll just bring a piece of the south to each and every one of my husbands duty stations.
Now, you would think being raised in the south that I would be a die hard Auburn fan (or Clemson,  Georgia Tech, ect.) Nope. When it comes to football I’m a Penn state fan. I guess that’s what happens when that’s the first college you get accepted to and they really want you (nope, I didn’t attend Penn State). I also love the Steelers.  Hey, don’t judge. Now, if we are talking college basketball,  you can find me wearing that Carolina blue.
This blog will be about Brew, and what my life is like raising her. It’ll also be about my husband, and my life as his wife. It’ll be about my life as a mother, a homemaker, and in general a woman.  I may also include recipes,  diy crafts, and other fun stuff. At times my life is random. It can be chaotic and exhausting.  Whatever my life is, it is absolutely amazing. I wouldn’t trade this life for anything.
Enjoy the blog & leave your blog link in the comments.  I’d love to read yours.
Stay beautiful!

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